Reaching out to Stanford Health Whistleblowers
– November 26, 2019
Gloria Juarez Law wants to speak with former employees of Stanford Health in California. We are in the process of investigating several Medicare and commercial insurance fraud cases at Stanford Hospitals and Clinics, as well as Lucille Packard Children's Hospital Stanford.
The federal False Claims Act (FCA)., the California False Claims Act (CFCA) , and Insurance Frauds Prevention Act (IFPA) provide that insiders with information about fraud against Medi-Cal, Medicare, Tricare, and commercial insurance fraud are eligible to receive cash awards.
As a rule, only whistleblowers who are the first to file and file a successful lawsuit based on original source information can receive an award, calculated as a percentage of the government’s recoveries.
Under federal and state laws, healthcare providers that knowingly submit false claims for payment to healthcare agencies are liable for damages and penalties, which may range in the tens and hundreds of millions of dollars for large institutions like Stanford.
The False Claims Act has been implemented to enable private citizens to sue fraud on behalf of the government, thereby entitled "qui tam", one who sues on behalf of the king.
Stanford Health Care is one of the most profitable "not-for-profit" healthcare providers in the United States. It was recently ranked in the top four of the most profitable non-profit healthcare institutions. It has faced several (typically non-publicized) successful False Claims Act lawsuits including allegations of overbilling, upcoding, and billing, one notable case which settled in the last few years for Stanford's medically unnecessary anesthesia billing services at the Stanford Children's Hospital in Palo Alto (Lucille Packard).
Whistleblowers who provide information that leads to monetary recoveries can receive up to 30 percent of the amount recovered.
Call for Stanford Health Whistleblowers
If you are a Stanford Health insider or have information about healthcare fraud and FCA violations, please contact us. It is illegal to overbill the government for healthcare services which is defined as defrauding Medi-Cal, Medicare, and other government programs.
If you know of any practice at Stanford Health or another related provider that resulted in the submission of false claims to the government, contact us confidentially. Your identity can be kept confidential through the process of filing your lawsuit and waiting for the government to investigate. The False Claims Act also includes anti-retaliation laws which protect the individual.
The goal of prosecuting these False Claims at Stanford Healthcare would be to ultimately help Stanford correct its billing schemes and institute proper billing and coding systems which are code compliant.
We are investigating fraud allegations involving Stanford Healthcare and Stanford Hospitals and Clinics, and University HealthCare Alliance; if you have any information about the alleged conduct at Stanford and its affiliates, contact us confidentially today.